(See Google Scholar Citations here)



  • Determination of Isoelectric points of biomolecules using capacitive sensors, 2014, US Patent 8917096 [LINK]
  • Field-effect based biosensors, 2015, US Patent US 8999739  [LINK]


  • Extended gate sensor for pH sensing, 2013, US Patent application US 13/918272 [LINK1] [LINK2]
  • Metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor based sensor, 2016, US Patent application 20160045144 [LINK]



  • Miyazoe H., A. V. Jagtiani, Tsai H., Engelmann S.; Joseph, E., 2017,Highly selective dry etching of polystylene-poly(methyl methacrylate) block copolymer by gas pulsing carbon monoxide-based plasmas, Journal of Physics D.Accepted for Publication.
  • Zafar S., Lu M., Jagtiani A., 2017, Comparison between Field Effect Transistors and Bipolar Junction Transistors as Transducers in Electrochemical Sensors, Nature Scientific Reports, [LINK]
  • Walton S.G., Boris D. R., Hernández S. C., Lock E. H., Petrova Tz. B. , Petrov G. M. , Jagtiani A. V., Engelmann S. U., Miyazoe H., Joseph E. A., 2017, Electron beam generated plasmas: Characteristics and etching of silicon nitride, Microelectronic Engineering, 168, 89-96.
  • Jagtiani A. V., Miyazoe H., Chang J., Farmer D. B., Engel M., Neumayer D., Han S.-J., Engelmann S. U., Boris D. R., Hernández S. C., Lock. E. H., S. G. Walton, E. A. Joseph, 2016, Initial evaluation and comparison of plasma damage to atomic layer carbon materials using conventional and low Te plasma sources, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, Available online (special issue on Atomic layer Etching), 34, 01B103 [LINK] 

    JVSTA Editor’s Pick Article (Dec-Jan 2016)

    Featured in AVS Beneath The Surface Newsletter (Jan 2016) 

    JVSTA Most read article (Jan 2016, Feb 2016)

  • Jagtiani A. V. and Zhe J., 2013, High throughput microfluidic electrical impedance flow cytometry for assay of micro particles (Invited Review article), Micro & Nanosystems, 5, 298-308. [LINK] [PDF] :: 

    Most Accessed Article on Micro and Nanosystems [PDF][LINK]

  • Amin A., Jagtiani A. V., Vasudev A., Hu J., and Zhe J., 2011, Soft microgripper using ionic liquid for high temperature and vacuum application, Journal of Microelectromechanics and Microengineering, 21, 125025. [LINK]
  • Jagtiani A V., Carletta J. and Zhe J., 2011, An impedimetric approach for accurate particle sizing using a micro coulter counter, Journal of Microelectromechanics and Microengineering, 21, 045036.[LINK]
  • Jagtiani A. V., Zhe J and Carletta J., 2011, A microfluidic multichannel resistive pulse sensor using frequency division multiplexing for high throughput counting of micro particles, Journal of Microelectromechanics and Microengineering, 21, 065004. [LINK]
  • Vasudev A., Jagtiani A, Du L., Zhe J., 2009, A low-voltage droplet microgripper for micro-object manipulation, Journal of Microelectromechanics and Microengineering, 19, 075005. [LINK]
  • Murali S., Jagtiani A. V., Xia X, Carletta J., and Zhe J., 2009, A microfluidic Coulter counting device for metal wear detection in lubrication oil, Review of Scientific Instruments, 80, 016105. [LINK]
  • Murali S., Xia X., Jagtiani A. V., Carletta J., and Zhe J., 2009, Capacitive Coulter counting: detection of metal wear particles in lubricant using a microfluidic device, Smart Materials and Structures, 18, 037001. [LINK] ::

    Selected as 2009 IOP Highlights of the year [PDF]

  •  Jagtiani, A. V., Sawant R., Carletta J. and Zhe Jiang, 2008, Wavelet transform-based methods for denoising of Coulter counter signals, Measurement Science and Technology, 19, 065102. [LINK]
  • Zhe, J., Jagtiani, A., Dutta, P., Hu, J., and Carletta, J., 2007, A Micromachined High Throughput Resistive-Pulse Sensor for Bioparticle Detection and Counting, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 17, pp 304-313. [LINK]
  • Jagtiani, A., Sawant, R., Zhe, J., 2006, A Label-Free High Throughput Resistive Pulse Sensor for Simultaneous Differentiation and Measurement of Multiple particle laden analytes, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 15, pp 1530-1539. [LINK]
  • Jagtiani, A., Zhe, J., J. Hu, Carletta, J., 2006, Detection and counting of micro-scale particles and pollen using a multi-aperture Coulter counter, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 17, No 7, pp.1706-1714. [LINK]



  • H. Miyazoe, A.V. Jagtiani, S.U. Engelmann, D.R. Boris, S.C. Hernández, E.H. Lock, S.G. Walton and E.A. Joseph, 2016, Etching capability of silicon nitride using a low electron temperature plasma source, AVS 63rd International symposium and exhibition
  • Miyazoe H., Jagtiani A. V., Chang J., Farmer D. B., Engel M., Neumayer D., Han S.-J., Engelmann S. U., Boris D. R., Hernández S. C., Lock. E. H., S. G. Walton, E. A. Joseph, 2016, Atomic layer processing by conventional and low electron temperature plasma sources: a feasibility study, ALD 2016 (Workshop: Advances in applications and hardware of ALE), Dublin Ireland
  • Jagtiani A. and Zhe J., 2011, A high throughput multichannel sensor using Isolation electrodes, ASME IMECE 2011, Nov 11-17, 2011, Denver, Colorado. [ABSTRACT]
  • Jagtiani A. and Zhe J., 2011, Multichannel Resistive pulse sensor using Isolation electrodes, Transducers 2011, June 5-9, 2011, Beijing, China. [LINK]
  • Jagtiani A, Carletta J and Zhe J, 2010, Frequency Division Multiplexing of a multi-channel resistive pulse sensor, ASME-IMECE 2010, November 12-18, 2010, British Columbia, Canada. [LINK]
  • Jagtiani A and Zhe J, 2010, AC Measurements And Multiplexed Detection Of Microparticles Using Parallel Channel Coulter Counter, UGIM 2010, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. [LINK]
  • Vasudev V., Jagtiani A., Li D, Zhe J., 2009, Electrowetting of room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) for capillary force manipulation, ASME IMECE 2009 Proceedings, November 13-19, 2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida. [LINK]
  • Murali S., Xia X., Jagtiani A., Carletta J., and Zhe, J., A Microfluidic Sensor for Metal Wear Detection in Lubricants, ASME IMECE 2008 Proceedings, November 2-6, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Jagtiani A. V., Carletta J., Hu J., Zhe J., 2008, Amplitude modulated micro Coulter counter for high throughput counting of microparticles, 51st Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2008. MWSCAS 2008, Knoxville, TN, pp 57-60.
  • Jagtiani A., Carletta J., Hu J., Zhe J., 2008, A High Throughput Multiplexed Coulter counter using amplitude modulation, University/Government/Industry Micro/Nano Symposium, 2008. UGIM 2008. 17th Biennial, Louisville, KY, pp 173-176.
  • Zhe, J., Jagtiani, A., Dutta, P., Hu, J., Carletta, J., 2007, A High Throughput Microfluidic bioparticles sensor, Transducers and Eurosensors 2007, The 14th International Conference on Solid-state Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, June 10-14, Lyon, France, pp 1825-1828.
  • Zhe, J., Jagtiani, A., Hu, J., 2006, A Microfluidic based high throughput Resistive Pulse sensor for Bioparticle Detection and Counting, Hilton Head 2006, A Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop, June 4-8, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Open Poster.
  • Jagtiani, A., Zhe, J., Mamun, N., Dutta, P., Hu J., Carletta, J., A Microfluidic based High Throughput Resistive Pulse Sensor, Proceedings of IMECE’ 06, 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 5-10, 2006, Chicago, Illinois. [LINK]
  • Jagtiani, A., Zhe, J., Newby B., Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Bioparticles with a High Throughput Resistive Pulse Sensor, Proceedings of IMECE’ 06, 2006, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 5-10, 2006, Chicago, Illinois. [LINK]



  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Akron (2011), Novel Multiplexed, Microfluidic Multichannel Coulter Counters for High Throughput Detection of Bio-Objects. [LINK] [PDF]
  • M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Akron (2007) , Development Of Novel Multichannel Resistive Pulse Sensors For Micro-Particle Detection. [LINK] [PDF]